
AI in Email Marketing

Do you believe email marketing has become an important part of lead generation in digital marketing?

Yes, then you know that AI in email marketing plays a big role in achieving the goal of any business. Because it is useful in various ways for the business, let you know in detail about the use of AI in email marketing and the tools. 

Use Of AI In Email Marketing

AI marketing is artificial intelligence technology that is useful for automating email personally. It is also useful in analyzing the data, creating content for the target audience, and automating tasks like segmentation and optimization optimization. AI is helping businesses send targeted messages smoothly with engaging content. 

Additionally, the use of AI in email marketing is for detecting the spam email and managing the inbox. 

How is AI used in email marketing?

AI is used in email marketing in various ways, as follows: 

Inbox management 

Managing the inbox is an important task because a lot of mail is received and sent daily. As a result, the inbox gets fulfilled, where AI helps you in such ways:

  • Bringing all emails into a single place
  • Engaging the team
  • Manager customer sensitive data and accounts
  • Provide automatic tags to emails.
  • It helps save time on reading, composing, and sending emails. 

Customer feedback analysis

AI helps in analyzing customer feedback, which helps businesses to improve their email. The email in the following ways:

  • The subject line of the email 
  • Designing and sending emails depend on the feedback
  • Prioritizing solutions depends on customer feedback
  • Analyses volume of data in a short period. 

 Subject Line

The subject line is an important factor in getting the email open. When the subject line is not right, people put the email in spam. Here, the AI tool helps you to understand which subject line is good for your email marketing campaign. So you can win and achieve your goal. 

Segment your audience

With the high volume of customer data available, segmenting the data manually for email campaigns is difficult. AI is helping in the segment at variables such as gender, age, location, and other preferences. 

Helps in customer lifecycle

Customer lifecycle plays an important role in business to convert customers. There are 5 stages in the life cycle. 

The first stage is the awareness stage, where you send emails that explain how your product solves a problem. 

The second stage is purchase. Here, you send an email to encourage a person to buy the product/service. You can provide a discount and offer on the product/service on which the customer visits your website.

The third stage is Relationship Building. Once a customer purchases a product, you need to build a long, long-lasting relationship with them. For it, send a weekly newsletter to customers about the company, product/service, or upcoming event. 

The Fourth stage is retention. Once you build a relationship with customers, you need to nurture them. You need to put the effort in such a way that customers buy more products from you.

The last stage is Advocacy. As you convert subscribers into customers and build relationships, you’ll notice that a portion of customers become brand advocates. To build this behavior of customers, focus on customer service.

Designing templates

AI in email tools helps in designing the templates according to your needs. Also, the templates are available according to your needs. You can design the template in a drag-and-drop method where you can insert images, text, and video. 

Provide product recommendation

AI in email helps you track the site visit of the customer. As a result, you can send product recommendations to a customer through email.

For example, a customer visits an education site for a course in Data Science. Then, AI will provide information related to the Data Science course during the sale, discount, scholarship, and live seminar. So they can convince the customer to buy the product. 

 What is the best AI tool for email?

There are many AI Email Marketing Tools in the market. You will be confused about which tool to use. Here, I bring the information about the Tinyemail tool AI. 

Tiny email

Tinyemail has a free plan; its standard plan costs $15, and its pro plan costs $65. With Tinyemail, you can compose, schedule, and deliver emails to your target audience. It can match the receipt style of communication automatically. 

The features of tiny email are as follows:

Tinyemail email automation

You can set up automated email campaigns with a tiny email. The method to automate is workflow, triggers, and autoresponder. In addition, these features allow you to send welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, and other types of emails depending on the customer visit.


Tinyemail marketing automation tool provides you with a customized template. The customized template allows you to create emails as per your needs with the help of the drag-and-drop feature. 

Personalization of email

Personalization of email is essential to grab the attention of the target audience. When you personalized email with name, location, about their work, and their pain points. The chance of conversion is higher than normal email. 


The Tinyemail tool AI is considered an inbuilt performance tracker. When you track performance, you can understand which subject line has more open rates, click rates, and conversion rates. As a result, it helps in the future of email marketing campaigns for your business. 

A/B Testing

A/B Testing is one of the best features of the Tinyemail email automation tool. Because it provides information about which email il has a high opening rate and click-through rate. As a result, you can plan an email marketing campaign and make it successful with A/B Testing. 

Budget pricing

The price of a tiny email tool is budget-friendly. It has a free trial and free plan. The paid plan starts at $15, which is considered an unlimited subscriber. 


How does AI help in email?

AI helps manage inboxes by filtering spam emails. It also analyzes the information to find spam messages. In this format, it can keep unwanted emails from the inbox. 

Is AI impacting email marketing?

According to a Hubspot survey, 82% of marketers respond and say AI helps in the following ways: 

  • Create content
  • Save time
  • Provide quality content
  • Helps in creating personalized personalized content

In addition, 28% of marketers use AI for generating emails. 

Can I use AI to send emails?

Yes, you can use AI to send emails with the help of automation. Also, you can send the right content to the right recipient at the right time. 


AI has played a big role in email marketing by enhancing personalization, improving segmentation, understanding customer lifecycle, and automating various tasks. It helps marketers to send relevant content to their target audience. As a result, there is a higher engagement and conversion rate. However, marketers need to keep a balance between automation and human creativity to ensure that emails have a personal touch and resonate with the target audience. 

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